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ACL Anthology

ACL Anthology is a digital archive linked to the Association for Computational Linguistics. It currently contains nearly 90.000 conference papers on the study of computational linguistics and natural language processing.


The database is freely available.

Search operators

On the homepage you can search for conferences of the Association for …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FLW  

ACM digital library

The ACM Digital Library is a full-text database covering the fields of computing and information technology and includes the complete collection of ACM's publications, including journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, and multimedia titles.


All metadata in the ACM Digital Library is open to the world, including abstracts, linked references …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEA   FEA - engineering  


ARCH-IT is het online collectieportaal van het Universiteitsarchief. De collectie bestaat uit de archieven van de bestuursorganen, de administratie, de faculteiten, de vakgroepen, de universitaire verenigingen en een studentenarchief. De oudste documenten gaan terug tot de stichting van de universiteit in 1817. Via ARCH-IT kan je het archief doorzoeken.

Toegang … Read more

level: algemeen
tags: databank  

Acta Sanctorum (Chadwyck) database

Acta Sanctorum is a full text database containing the texts of 68 volumes of the Acta Sanctorum, a series of critical editions of hagiographies, published by Société des Bollandistes between 1643 and 1940. You also have the possibility to search the church writings in the Patrologia Latina at the same …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FLW  

Africa-Wide Information (Ebsco)

Africa-Wide Information is a bibliographic database providing access to more than 3.5 million references and abstracts within African studies.


The database is fully accessible within the UGent network (UGentNet).

Search operators

You can use Boolean operators in all databases on the Ebsco platform to make your search …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FLW  

Article: requesting an article from another library

Your looking for an article, but the University Library does not have access to the full text. There are two ways you can find the full text after all:

  • Via a database
  • Via the bibliographical information

    Via a database

    If you're searching via a database, you can use the  …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: article   database  


    The Artstor website is scheduled to be retired on August 1, 2024. Artstor's content, key resources and functionality are moving to JSTOR.

    The Artstor image database contains more than one million high-quality digital images that can be used free of charge for scientific purposes, through the Images for Academic …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FEA - architecture   FLW  

    Automatic alerts on recent publications: a how-to

    The website JournalTOCs provides Tables of Contents (ToC) for many journals.

    You can receive e-mail alerts of new issues after (free) registration.


    Many (scholarly) databases allow you to subscribe to alerts as well, so you can stay informed on new content via e-mail or RSS feeds. Check …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: article   journal  

    Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

    The database "Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals" is published by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University. It offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FEA   FEA - architecture  

    BHA: Bibliography of the History of Art (Getty)

    The BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art) is a bibliographical database that contains publications about European and American visual art, published between 1975 and 2007.


    This database is freely accessible.

    Search Operators
    • You can use the Boolean operators AND OR NOT.
    • In the Advanced search mode you can …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FLW  


    Beck-online is a legal database of the German publisher C.H. Beck Verlag. It contains case law, (law) commentaries and handbooks in the field of German law and almost all journals published by Beck. You will also find laws and regulations and the commented German 'Bundesrecht' published by Nomos.


    Using …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FRE  

    BelgicaPress, database of digitised historical Belgian newspapers

    BelgicaPress is a full-text database from the Belgian Royal Library where you can find (as of spring 2018) all the digitised historical Belgian newspapers online (from 1814 to 1985) including the censored press of both World Wars.

    Thanks to the application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the content is full-text …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FLW   newspaper  

    Book: can I borrow a book?

    As soon as you are registered as a user in the library system, you can borrow books with your student card, personnel card or visitor's card, unless:

    • the book has been borrowed by someone else
    • the book can only be consulted in the library
    How to know if I can … Read more

    level: algemeen
    tags: library  

    Book: how and where to find it?

    Ghent University holds a very diverse collection of books, journals, theses, heritage material and much more, both in analogue and digital form. The catalogue gives you an overview of what can be found in which library.

    How do you use the catalogue to find books?

    • Select your language on the …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: library  

    Book: how to renew the loan term

    The standard loan term for students for Ghent University libraries is 4 weeks for students and 8 weeks for staff. The standard loan term may differ from faculty to faculty (see regulations).

    You can renew a loan yourself for a maximum of 3 times. You do this by …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: library  

    Book: how to reserve?

    You can reserve a book that is already on loan (NB: not at the Faculty of Law and Criminology).

    • Go to the catalogue
    • Look up the book
    • Click on the button Services
    • Click on the button Reserve (you find the button under Location)
    • Log in and confirm your reservation …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: library  

    CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research

    The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors.



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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FEB  

    CERN Document Server

    The CERN Document Server (CDS) is the institutional repository that provides acquisition, search and collaborative tools to manage collections of documents produced at CERN. The collections include HEP documents, multimedia documents, bulletins, administrative (directorate, HR, finance) documents, EU project documents (OpenAire, EMi), library and project document types.

    The database contains …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FEA   FEA - engineering  

    Chapterscan: searching and finding references and content tables of books

    It is possible for researchers and students at UGent to request chapter scans of some of the books via the catalogue (lib.ugent.be). You can find a blue button 'Get chapter scan' if we provide this service on a book.

    Here are some tips & tricks to make this …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   database   FBW   FDI   FEA   FEA - architecture   FEA - engineering   FEB   FFW   FGE   FLW   FPP   FPS   FRE   FWE   FWO   library  

    Communication Source

    Communication Source is hosted on the Ebsco platform. It is a bibliographic database containing references with abstracts and full text articles about communication science, linguistics, speech and language pathology, media studies, etc.

    This database also includes a thesaurus.


    This database is fully accessible within the UGent network (UGentNet …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FLW  

    Creative commons: open licence for copyrighted works

    General info

    A Creative Commons licence is an open licence. These kinds of licences allow certain, globally recognised, standardised re-use of copyrighted material. It is a so called upfront licence. You don't have to ask for permission to access, share or use a protected work, the permission is granted automatically. …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: article   Biblio   copyright   journal   open access   open science  


    Dalloz is a legal database containing French legal resources: case law, annotated legislation, encyclopedias, journals and a number of basic works ('Dalloz Action'). The 'Codes Dalloz' contain up-to-date annotated legislation. In the 'Encyclopédie' you can find extensive basic articles, useful as an introduction to a particular topic; the 'Fiches d'orientation' …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FRE  

    Data analysis resources

    Are you looking for some resources to improve your data science skills, or information on software like R and RStudio? We'll give you a few options below.

    Data analysis examples by UCLA

    The webpage data analysis examples by UCLA lists a number of statistical analysis techniques and their application …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: FPP  

    Database search: how to use search terms?

    Each database has its own method to make the contents of that database accessible and consultable. Most databases use "Basic search" and "Advanced search".

    Via "Basic search" you can filter the search results after performing a search.

    "Advanced search" allows you to choose more specific search …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   database   FEA   onderzoeksvraag   search engines   search strategy   zoekmachine   zoekstrategie  


    Het Dyabola project is een portaalsite die toegang geeft tot verschillende bibliografische databanken van publicaties m.b.t. archeologie. Wij hebben een abonnement op de volgende collecties:

      • Archaeological Bibliography (enhanced Version of Realkatalog) 1956-... (in Duits, Engels, Frans of Italiaans). Onderwerpen: klassieke archeologie, Etruscologie, Minoïsche archeologie en prehistorie
      • The Annual Archaeological Bibliography …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   FLW  


    Ghent University has access to many e-books. You can find and read all of them in our catalogue if you follow these steps.


    Access UGentNet

    Make sure you are connected to the UGent network.

    When you are connected, you will see this green light at the bottom of …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: search strategy  

    EEB: Early European Books (ProQuest)

    Deze fulltext databank bevat kleurenscans van Europese boeken uit de 15e, 16e en 17e eeuw in verschillende talen (zoals Latijns, Nederlands, Italiaans, Deens, Frans, Duits en Grieks). Je kan tegelijkertijd de databank EEBO (Early English Books Online) doorzoeken (Engelse boeken van 1473 tot 1700).

    Ons abonnement biedt toegang tot de collecties die …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   FLW  

    Embase: comparison with PubMed and tips & tricks for searching

    Embase is regarded as the European equivalent of PubMed/MEDLINE. When using the Embase search engine, you automatically browse not only the Embase database but also articles in PubMed/MEDLINE that have already been assigned MeSH terms.


    Embase is only accessible via the UGent network.

    Search operators

    Embase can be …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FFW   FGE   search engines   search strategy  

    Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline

    What is an evidence-based guideline?

    Evidence-based guidelines (or clinical practice guidelines) consist of statements that include recommendations to help physicians, patients, carers or policy makers make health care decisions in a specific health care setting with the aim of optimising patient care.

    Evidence-based guidelines are informed by a systematic review …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: evidence-based guideline   evidence-based richtlijn  

    Finding Belgian legislation

    You can find Belgian (federal) legislation on the platform Belgian Legislation. Via a single interface you can search the database of the index of legislation as well as the database of the consolidated legislation.

    Belgielex is the intersection of the Belgian laws where you can find federal as well …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FRE