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APA: how to make a reference list

When you refer to someone else's work in your paper, you need to include that source in the reference list. A reference list only contains sources that were cited or referred to in your paper. Background readings don't belong in your reference list (but they can go in your …

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tags: academic writing   refer  

APA: how to refer within a text

The way you refer to a source in your paper is the same for physical and online sources. You need to refer to a source when you cite someone, or when you paraphrase their ideas, data, theory, ... Below you can find concrete examples that show you how to do …

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tags: academic writing   refer  

Academic writing in a nutshell

Throughout your career as a student and/or researcher you will produce a series of reports, papers, publications and other texts, in many cases in fluent English. Tips and tricks to improve your writing in English are collected on the UGent portal: How to write a paper.

The faculty of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   article  

Artikel: hoe vat je een wetenschappelijk artikel samen?

Een tekst samenvatten is een belangrijke vaardigheid voor elke student en onderzoeker. Als je de essentie van een artikel kan herleiden tot enkele regels, dan toont dat aan dat je de inhoud goed begrepen hebt. Ook maakt dat het makkelijker om de inhoud te studeren of het overzicht te bewaren …

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level: algemeen
tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   FPP  


The Artstor website is scheduled to be retired on August 1, 2024. Artstor's content, key resources and functionality are moving to JSTOR.

The Artstor image database contains more than one million high-quality digital images that can be used free of charge for scientific purposes, through the Images for Academic …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEA - architecture   FLW  

Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)


Recognition for a person's effective contribution to a scholarly publication is done primarily through the inclusion, or not, of the names of (individual) contributors on a (more or less) limited list of names associated with that publication.

The place on this list determines in most cases the "importance" of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Authorship: conditions to be included as an author

The conditions 

Researchers who contribute significantly to the creation of the publication are added to the authors list.

This involves 4 (cumulative!) conditions:  

  • a significant contribution to the design of the research, relevant data collection, its analysis, and/ or interpretation;
  • drafting and/or critical reviewing the publication;
  • approval of the final …
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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Authorship: what is the Ghent University policy?


Authorship is related to the actual contribution someone makes to a scientific publication.

Various stakeholders in science (research institutions, faculties, funders, publishers, journals, etc.) have developed standards to regulate this aspect of scholarly publishing.


Authorship is an important (co-)factor for the academic impact and reputation of individual researchers …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Citing: how to

The information below has been translated from "Citeer" on Studentenportaal (Dutch).


When you copy literal phrasings of another author (or your own, previous work), you're citing another text. Some quick guidelines:

  • Always use quotation marks: "..."
  • Refer to the source immediately after the citation
  • If you use a …
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level: algemeen
tags: integrity   refer  

Collaborating on an article: what are your options?

These days, many projects are done as a team, and writing assignments are no exception. It can be challenging to collaborate efficiently on the same text, especially if you and your co-authors mostly communicate online. Fortunately, there are a number of online tools that allow you to write, edit, …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   article  

Copyright: my rights as an author

As the author of a work, you're the copyright holder. Sometimes, however, you transfer your copyright (the economic rights) to a third party, who becomes the copyright holder in turn. If someone wants to reuse (part of) your work, the copyright holder of your work must grant permission for this. …

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tags: academic writing   copyright  

Copyright: the basics in Belgian law


This is Belgian law. The exceptions in the Belgian copyright law are only valid for use of works in Belgium (whether or not the author is Belgian or not is not relevant, as is the country the work is published in).

What is protected?

Works protected by copyright:

- …

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level: algemeen
tags: auteursrecht   copyright  

DMPonline.be: How do I write a Data Management Plan?

DMPonline.be is an online tool to help Ghent University researchers write an effective Data Management Plan (DMP). This tip explains how to use this tool.

What is a DMP?

A Data Management Plan is a formal document that specifies how research data will be handled both during and after a …

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level: algemeen
tags: integriteit   integrity   research data management  

EndNote: adding and marking up PDFs

Add PDFs atuomatically

  • Open Athena and then EndNote.
  • Select the references to which you want to add a PDF.
  • Click "References" > "Find full text" > "Find full text". OR right-click and select "Find full text".
  • EndNote will now look for PDFs Ghent University has electronic access to and add …
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tags: article   EndNote  

EndNote: adding information to a set of references

It is possible to add the same (filled out) field to multiple references at the same time. This is a handy feature when you want to add the name of database your references come from or if you want to add tags like "read," "to read," etc.

Before you do …

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tags: EndNote   refer  

EndNote: cite while you write

Advantages of citing while you write

  • You don't forget to cite sources.
  • You put the footnotes in the right places.
  • You save time looking for the right source after writing your article.
  • You can automatically update references.
  • You can adjust reference styles easily.


Insert a footnote Read more

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tags: academic writing   EndNote   refer  

EndNote: creating a library


1. Open EndNote via Athena 

If you've never used Athena on this device before, install the Citrix client: https://helpdesk.ugent.be/athena/en/ica.php 


2. Click in EndNote on File > New




3. Save the library on your H:Drive, preferably in a separate folder

An .enl file and a …

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tags: EndNote   refer  

EndNote: hoe kan je grote aantallen referenties importeren vanuit Embase?

In Embase kunnen tot en met 10.000 referenties tegelijk geëxporteerd worden naar EndNote.   Werkwijze:   - Zorg ervoor dat je EndNote library waarnaar je wil exporteren, geopend is; - Open een webbrowser via Athena waarna je via https://lib.ugent.be de databank Embase opent. Dit maakt het mogelijk om referenties direct … Read more

level: algemeen
tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: hoe kan je referenties importeren vanuit ClinicalTrials.gov?

TIP 1: Als je niet ál je zoekresultaten wil exporteren, dien je eerst de gewenste referenties te selecteren. Vervolgens worden deze automatisch tijdelijk bewaard bij 'Saved studies', zie knop rechtsboven.

  • Open je lijst met opgeslagen referenties door te klikken opSaved Studies> Download (rechtsboven)
  • Selecteer het bestandsformaat: Plain text > Download


  … Read more

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tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: hoe kan je referenties importeren vanuit The Cochrane Library?

Stap 1: Selecteer de referenties die je wil exporteren > Export selected citation(s)   Stap 2: Selecteer het formaat Plain Text > vink Include Abstract aan > Download en sla op   Opmerking: niet opslaan als RIS-bestand     Stap 3: Ga naar EndNote en klik op File > Import … Read more

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tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: how can I update or edit references?

To mannually edit a reference, simply select the reference and edit in the right-hand column.

Edit manually

If you want to manually edit a reference, you:

  • Open EndNote via Athena.
  • Select the reference you want to edit.
  • In the right-hand column, you can edit the reference in the tab …
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tags: EndNote  

EndNote: how do you share your library?

You can share (parts of) your EndNote desktop library with up to 99 colleagues or peers.

Back up your library Make an online EndNote account
  • Make an online EndNote account by registering here
  • Use your UGent e-mail account so EndNote recognises …
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tags: EndNote   refer  

EndNote: how to add and delete references

Once you have uploaded all your references into your EndNote library, you can delete duplicate references and add references manually. You can also edit them manually or automatically.


Add references

Read this tip to learn about importing references from databases.

Add a reference manually:

  • Open Athena and EndNote.
  • Click …
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tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   refer  

EndNote: how to create a group?

You can create groups in EndNote to structure your citations. There are three different groups:

  • a Group: you can add citations manually
  • a Smart Group: citations are added automatically
  • a Group Set: a cluster of (Smart) Groups



If you want to create a group to which you can …

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tags: academic writing   EndNote   refer  

EndNote: how to make a back up

You can back up your EndNote library by making a Compressed Library.

When you incorporate your EndNote library (.enl file) and your associated data folder (.data file), you create a Compressed Library. It is a smaller file than the .enl file and .data file combined and can be easily stored …

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tags: EndNote  

EndNote: importing a Mendeley library

There are two ways to import a Mendeley library into EndNote.

  • Open your Mendeley library.
  • Click File > Export All > RIS - Research Information Systems (*.ris).
  • Save the file.
  • Open your EndNote library.
  • Click File > Import > File.
  • A pop-up window appears. Choose the file you just …
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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote  

    EndNote: importing references

    You can import references into EndNote from many different databases. In the clips below, we explain how to import references from the four most commonly used ones: the library's catalogue, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.


    Web of Science

    Click here for the Research tip on how to …

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    tags: academic writing   database   EndNote   search engines  

    EndNote: importing references from Web of Science

    You can import up to 1.000 references at the same time from Web of Science into your EndNote library.

    To do this, enter your search query > click "Export" > click "EndNote desktop"


    You will see a pop-up where you can enter the amount of references you want to …

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    tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   refer  

    EndNote: personalising your reference fields

    You can personalise the fields in EndNote in two different ways.

    Reference types

    You can choose which reference type is your preferred default, e.g: Journal Article. You can also choose which fields a certain reference type needs.

    • Open EndNote via Athena
    • Click Edit > Preferences, click on the tab "Reference …
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    tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   refer  

    EndNote: what is a Traveling Library?

    "Traveling Library" refers to the citations that are embedded in a Word document. You can:

    • Send the Traveling Library to your publisher, alongside your manuscript
    • Export the Traveling Library from a Word document of a colleague
    Export a Traveling Library
    • Go to Word via Athena
    • Open your paper either via …
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    tags: EndNote   refer