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Artikel: hoe vat je een wetenschappelijk artikel samen?
Een tekst samenvatten is een belangrijke vaardigheid voor elke student en onderzoeker. Als je de essentie van een artikel kan herleiden tot enkele regels, dan toont dat aan dat je de inhoud goed begrepen hebt. Ook maakt dat het makkelijker om de inhoud te studeren of het overzicht te bewaren …
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academisch schrijven
Clinical trial: how do I evaluate the quality?
There are various free, internationally accredited and used tools (i.e. scales and checklists) for evaluating the quality of clinical studies. More information is available on the webpages of the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (Question: How do I evaluate the quality of a clinical study?).
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quality assessment
systematic review
Critical reading: how do you do it?
Before getting to writing your paper, you'll need to read up on your subject. The portal for Ghent University students proposes the following three steps.
Scan the source
- Read the title and subtitle.
- Look at the date of publication. Aim for recent publications.
- Doublecheck how relevant and reliable the …
level: algemeen
Critical reading: how to read a scientific article
A scientific article might be short, but it is usually dense in information, which can make it harder to read. Below, you can find some tips.
General guidelines
- Take notes while you read to make sure you understand what you're reading.
- Don't know a word? Look it up and …
Critical reading: the CRAAP test
You want to base your academic, scientific research on scientifically sound sources. Often, the publisher already gives you an insight into how reliable the source is; publishers of A1-journals, for instance, already peer-review their articles. Academic libraries collect scientific literature, etc.
However, you can also find many interesting sources on …
level: algemeen
quality assessment
Evidence-based guideline: how can I evaluate the quality?
The Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation Instrument (AGREE II) is a general tool for authors and users of guidelines to evaluate the methodological quality of clinical guidelines. The AGREE II tool is available in different languages, including Dutch and English.
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evidence-based guideline
quality assessment
systematic review
Research integrity: trending topic – paper mills
This section draws on:
the relevant web pages of COPE concerning the paper mill phenomenon. https://publicationethics.org/publishers-perspective-paper-mills + related resources as mentioned on this page.
Current topics are often new and knowledge is subject to further development or deepening. This tip was prepared on the basis of the relevant …
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academic writing
academisch schrijven
quality assessment
Resources: helpful tools to find literature
These tools will help you find literature on the topic of your choice.
You can find over 4.000.000 references for books, serials, images, theses, and databases in the library catalogue of Ghent University. Many of these can be consulted online, from the comfort of your home.
If you can't …
level: algemeen
academic writing
search strategy
Resources: search and find information
Do you need to write a text or do you need to find information and you are looking for the right resources? Follow the step-by-step plan below.
Step 1: define your subject- Narrow down your subject based on the literature you find.
- Explore the subject. You can read a paper …
level: algemeen
academic writing
search strategy
Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
Why is this important?
Knowledge accumulation is a fundamental principle in science and forms the basis for progress and innovation. Through a continuous process, knowledge is acquired, deepened, broadened and revised. This process enables researchers to continuously ask new questions and solve complex problems. This involves building on past research …
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Systematic review: tips, tricks and tools
How do I formulate my research question and selection criteria?
Formulate a research question in which, if possible, all aspects of your topic are named. The PICO model is a tool for setting up a clinical research question, clearly describing the patient category (Population/Patient), …
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quality assessment
research question
search strategy
systematic review
Ufora: wetenschappelijke bronnen koppelen in een cursus
In Ufora, het leerplatform van de UGent, kan je wetenschappelijke bronnen linken per inhoud of (sub)module van een cursus. Hieronder lees je stapsgewijs hoe je zelf koppelingen maakt naar documenten/bestanden en webpagina's in Ufora.
Merk op dat enkel cursusbeheerders en lesgevers aanpassingen kunnen doen aan een cursus en/of (sub)modules. …
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