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Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism
De Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism is een digitale bibliografie die beheerd wordt door vakspecialisten. De bibliografie bevat ‘artikels’ (lemmata) over thema's, begrippen en personen die verband houden met het Boeddhisme. In de afzonderlijke 'artikels' krijg je een overzicht van wat het onderwerp inhoudt, en verwijzingen naar gespecialiseerde literatuur (referentiewerken, overzichtswerken, verzamelwerken, etc.) …
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Oxford Music Online
Deze fulltext databank verzamelt zo'n 50.000 peer-reviewed artikelen over muziek uit volgende naslagwerken:
- Grove Music Online
- The Oxford Companion to Music
- The Oxford Dictionary of Music
- Encyclopedia of Popular Music
- The Grove Dictionary of American Music
- The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments
- The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz
- The New …
Oxford Reference Online. Premium Collection
De Oxford Reference Online. Premium Collection databank bevat 2 miljoen lemma's uit naslagwerken zoals de Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions en Encyclopedias uit 25 verschillende onderwerpsgebieden. Je kan er tijdslijnen in terugvinden, citaten, een Engels beeldwoordenboek en vertalende woordenboeken zoals Iers-Engels en Welsh-Engels.
Je kan in het zoekvenster (een) zoekterm(en) …
Read moreOxford bibliographies in Classics
De Oxford Bibliographies in Classics is een digitale bibliografie die beheerd wordt door vakspecialisten. De bibliografie bevat ‘artikels’ (lemmata) over thema's, begrippen en personen die verband houden met Klassieke geschiedenis. In de afzonderlijke 'artikels' krijg je een overzicht van wat het onderwerp inhoudt, en verwijzingen naar gespecialiseerde literatuur (referentiewerken, overzichtswerken, …
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PAO: Periodicals Archive Online (ProQuest)
De Periodicals Archive Online is een fulltext databank die honderden tijdschriften uit de geesteswetenschappen archiveert rond volgende onderwerpen:
- Agriculture
- Ancient civilisations
- Anthropology/Ethnology
- Applied arts
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Area studies (Africa/ Asia/ Australasia/ Europe/ Middle East)
- Black studies
- Business/Management
- Economics
- Education
- Fine arts
- Folklore
- Geography
- History (General/ The Americas)
- Humanities (General)
- Jewish …
PID: What is a persistent identifier for publications and datasets?
What is a persistent identifier?
A persistent identifier or PID, such as a DOI or Handle, is a permanent, unique reference to a digital object. Not all identifiers ensure persistency and uniqueness like a PID (see examples below). Moreover, when a PID for a digital object is created, descriptions of …
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open science
research data management
PhilPapers is een bibliografische databank en citatie-index voor wetenschappelijke literatuur over filosofie. Het bevat ook het Open Access archief PhilArchive en een online gids voor filosofen: PhilPeople.
ToegangDeze databank is volledig toegankelijk binnen het UGentNet.
ZoekenZowel in de bibliografische databank als in het Open Access archief kan je zoeken op …
Read moreProQuest: introduction
ProQuest is a portal of scientific databases. Ghent University has access to 19 databases:
- Acta Sanctorum
- APA PsycArticles
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
- Coronavirus Research Database
- Early Modern Books
- Ebook Central
- Gerritsen Women's History Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs
- International Bibliography of Art (IBA)
level: algemeen
search strategy
Project Muse
Project Muse is een full-text databank met peer-reviewed artikelen en boeken uit de geestes- en sociale wetenschappen rond de volgende onderzoeksgebieden:
- Area and Ethnic Studies
- Art and Architecture
- Creative Writing
- Education
- Film, Theater, and Performing Arts
- History
- Language and Linguistics
- Library Science and Publishing
- Literature
- Medicine and Health
- Music
- Philosophy …
PubMed: why and how to search
PubMed is a database used mainly in the area of medicine and health sciences.
You can search for biomedical references using the PubMed database. References and abstracts in PubMed are freely accessible to everyone.
The information sheet about PubMed on the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (KCGG) website provides more …
Read moreRemote access & VPN
For copyright reasons, most electronic resources (databases and journals) can only be consulted within the internal computer network of Ghent University: UGentNet.
In the UGhent library catalogue these resources are indicated with "UGent only". You don't have to be on campus to be able to access these resources.
Read moreResources: helpful tools to find literature
These tools will help you find literature on the topic of your choice.
You can find over 4.000.000 references for books, serials, images, theses, and databases in the library catalogue of Ghent University. Many of these can be consulted online, from the comfort of your home.
If you can't …
level: algemeen
academic writing
search strategy
Resources: search and find information
Do you need to write a text or do you need to find information and you are looking for the right resources? Follow the step-by-step plan below.
Step 1: define your subject- Narrow down your subject based on the literature you find.
- Explore the subject. You can read a paper …
level: algemeen
academic writing
search strategy
Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
Why is this important?
Knowledge accumulation is a fundamental principle in science and forms the basis for progress and innovation. Through a continuous process, knowledge is acquired, deepened, broadened and revised. This process enables researchers to continuously ask new questions and solve complex problems. This involves building on past research …
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Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online
De Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online is een digitale encyclopedie, met meer dan 2800 lemma's over filosofie uit alle werelddelen en periodes uit de geschiedenis. Je kan er zoeken op o.a. onderwerp, periode, regio, religie, etc. Bij elk onderwerp krijg je duiding, en ook een lijst van wetenschappelijke literatuur over het …
SFX is a button that tries to bring you to an online full text article, based on the bibliographical information you've entered. If an online full text is not available, it'll offer you different options, for instance where you can find a print version, or how to request it from …
Read moreScholarly article: where to find it?
Search a bibliographic database
The best way to find qualitative scholarly articles is to use a bibliographic database. There are multidisciplinary databases (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science) as well as discipline-specific databases (e.g. PubMed for health sciences). These databases give an overview of published scholarly information, whether …
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search strategy
SciFinder-n is the new interface for the classic version of SciFinder. SciFinder-n provides easy access to information in Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) resources: journal citations and abstracts, substance data, chemical reactions, regulatory data, chemical suppliers, and biomedical literature.
AccessThis database is accessible within the Ghent University network. Login to …
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FEA - engineering
Scopus (Elsevier)
Scopus is an interdisciplinary bibliographical database with more than 61 million items from 105 countries in over 40 languages. It contains:
- Peer-reviewed journals published from 1823 onwards
- Conference proceedings
- Books (mainly on social sciences, the arts and philosophy)
- Patents
Scopus maintains the following criteria to ensure qualitative resources:
- The publications …
Scopus versus Web of Science - de verschillen
In de markt voor multidisciplinaire citatiedatabanken zijn Web of Science (kortweg 'WoS'; van Clarivate Analytics ) en Scopus (van Elsevier) de twee grote spelers.
Web of Science bestaat al lang (sinds 1961) en heeft een gevestigde reputatie. Scopus is jonger (2004) maar is intussen ook wereldwijd bekend als 'de andere professionale …
Read moreScopus: hoe vind je er de ranking van een tijdschrift?
Om in Scopus de ranking van een tijdschrift te vinden, ga je naar de databank en selecteer je Sources of ga via deze link rechtstreeks naar Sources toe.
Scopus is een multidisciplinaire, bibliografische databank (bundelt zowel alfa, beta als gamma wetenschappen) waarin je ook citaatgericht kan zoeken. De databank bevat …
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Search: Boolean operators
The 3 most important Boolean operators that can be used to search on the internet are AND, OR and NOT.
These operators are used as conjunctions to combine or exclude search terms in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. The use of these operators can significantly …
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search engines
search strategy
Searching scientific literature: an example from psychology by prof. dr. Brosschot
Almost every scientific study starts with an extensive literature search. You look for the articles written on your subject of interest and you'll gradually discover unanswered questions or new lines of thoughts worth exploring.
When you start writing your own article, you'll usually include a literature review summarising the …
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search engines
search strategy
systematic review
Searching: what is a citation search?
A citation search can go forward or backward in time. If you go forward in time, you look for the sources that cited your original article. If you go back in time, you look for the sources cited by your original article (also called "snowball search").
Benefits … Read more
level: algemeen
search engines
search strategy
Searching: what is the snowball search method?
The snowball search method is a way of tracking down related works by using the bibliography or reference list at the end of an article as your starting point. After all, there's a good chance that the sources the author has consulted while writing will be relevant to your own …
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search engines
search strategy
Sources: primary, secundary and tertiary sources
What are primary sources?
Primary sources are sources written (or made) by an original author. In exact sciences, these are lab logs, articles in which you present your research, the data you gathered during your research, etc. In social sciences these could be novels, paintings, archaeological objects, and so on. …
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quality assessment
search strategy
systematic review
Strada lex
Strada lex is the legal database of Larcier. This database is available in Dutch, French, and English. It contains legislation, case law and the journals of the publishers Larcier and Bruylant to which Ghent University has a subscription. On the bookshelf you will also find the digital version of the …
Read moreSystematic review: tips, tricks and tools
How do I formulate my research question and selection criteria?
Formulate a research question in which, if possible, all aspects of your topic are named. The PICO model is a tool for setting up a clinical research question, clearly describing the patient category (Population/Patient), …
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quality assessment
research question
search strategy
systematic review
Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)
Translation Studies Bibliography is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. TSB includes a thesaurus where you can include search terms from a controlled vocabulary in your search.
AccessThis database is fully accessible within the UGent network (UGentNet).
Boolean operatorsYou can …
Read moreUfora: wetenschappelijke bronnen koppelen in een cursus
In Ufora, het leerplatform van de UGent, kan je wetenschappelijke bronnen linken per inhoud of (sub)module van een cursus. Hieronder lees je stapsgewijs hoe je zelf koppelingen maakt naar documenten/bestanden en webpagina's in Ufora.
Merk op dat enkel cursusbeheerders en lesgevers aanpassingen kunnen doen aan een cursus en/of (sub)modules. …
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