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Finding European legislation
EUR-Lex is thé platform for EU law. It is the offcial and most complete collection of legal sources of the EU and is updated daily. On it, you can find:
- EU law,
- EU case law,
- other European public documents,
- and the authentic electronic version of the Official European Journal,
available …
Read moreGISMO: Research Explorer
GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, …
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search engines
search strategy
Gale Literary Sources (Gale)
Gale Literary Sources (formerly Artemis) is a full text database (used especially in Literature) combining the following literary sources:
- Gale Literary Index
- Gale Literature Criticism
- Gale Literature Resource Center
- Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors
- Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography
- Gale Literature: LitFinder
- Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series
- Gale Literature: Something …
Google Books: what is it?
Google Books is a collection of fiction, non-fiction, and scientific works.
Google formed the collection via contracts with publishers and by scanning the collections of libraries all across the world.
You can find a part of the collection of Ghent University Library in Google Books. Only print works without copyright …
Read moreGoogle Scholar
Google Scholar is the scientific counterpart of Google. You can search for books, (peer reviewed) articles, reports, conference papers, and so on. You can narrow down your list of results by selecting a time period and/or language in the left-hand column.
Note that Google Scholar does not check the quality …
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search engines
Google: search tips
Google is a powerful search engine. But the results list can be endlessly long and at page 3 you still haven't found what you were looking for. These tips and tricks will help you specify a better search question.
- Use unique, specific terms (keywords, not sentences). E.g. search for "headache" …
level: algemeen
research question
search engines
search strategy
Groenekennis: vakliteratuur voor toegepast onderzoek in land- en tuinbouw
Groenekennis is een Nederlandstalige open access databank met informatie over voedsel, landbouw, visserij en groene ruimte met focus op Nederland en omliggend gebied. Het bundelt artikels uit Groen Kennisnet, de Hydrotheek, Tuinpad, IB archief, ARTIK, bioKennis, Kennisbank Plantaardige bronnen, Kennisbank Zeldzame landbouwhuisdieren en enkele afgesloten documentatiebestanden.
ToegangDeze databank is …
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Grove Dictionary of Art
Grove Art Online is a scholarly art encyclopedia, updated regularly and covering global art and architecture from prehistory to present day. Includes peer-reviewed articles contributed by nearly 7,000 scholars from around the world, accompanied by images, bibliographies, and links to additional resources. Grove Art Online is part of Oxford Art …
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FEA - architecture
HeinOnline is a legal database with a large collection of American and international legal journals, case law (primarily US and Canada) and other specific legal content such as Criminal Justice & Criminology, World Constitutions, etc. The Law Journal Library, for example, contains over 3100 fully searchable American and international …
Read moreHistorical Abstracts (Ebsco)
Historical Abstracts is een bibliografische databank voor wereldgeschiedenis van 1450 - heden, en bevat wetenschappelijke geschiedkundige tijdschriften in meer dan 40 talen vanaf 1955.
ToegangDeze databank is volledig toegankelijk binnen het UGentNet.
ZoekoperatorenIn alle databanken op het Ebsco-platform kan je Booleaanse operatoren gebruiken om je zoekopdracht breder …
Read moreIBA: International Bibliography of Art (ProQuest)
IBA (International Bibliography of Art) is een bibliografische databank die referenties bevat van artikels, naslagwerken, dissertaties, conferentieverslagen en boeken rond kunst en kunstgeschiedenis. Het is de opvolger van de BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art - Getty).
Volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod:
- Europese kunst vanaf de late oudheid
- Amerikaanse …
IEEE Xplore: Digital Library
IEEE Xplore Digital Library is a full-text research database for discovery and access to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics, and allied fields. It contains material published mainly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and other partner publishers.
AccessAnyone can search IEEE …
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FEA - engineering
InView (Kluwer Navigator)
InView (previously Kluwer Navigator) is a Dutch legal database from Kluwer. In addition to laws, regulations and case law, it contains a number of Dutch legal journals. You will also find the Asser series, the Lexplication series and the Tekst en Commentaar series.
SearchesYou can use the search bar …
Read moreInternational Medieval Bibliography (IMB), Bibliographiy of Medieval Civilisation (BCM) & International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) (Brepolis)
Deze bibliografische databanken bevatten de gegevens van
- boeken,
- tijdschriftartikels en diverse (essays, congresverslagen en feestbundels).
Alledrie de databanken worden op dezelfde manier geïndexeerd.
Op de beginpagina (=Simple Search) krijg je een zoekvenster waar je op alle velden of auteur kan zoeken.
Je hebt ook de mogelijkheid thematisch te …
Read moreInternational Philosophical Bibliography - IPB
The International Philosophical Bibliography is a bibliographic database in the field of philosophy and the successor of:
- Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie
- Bibliografisch Repertorium van de Wijsbegeerte.
The database includes all branches of philosophy and is updated four times a year.
You can search:
- by historic period or major field …
JSTOR is a (largely) fulltext multidisciplinary database, originally designed to make the content of academic journals (Journal Storage) easily accessible to universities, but since then supplemented with books and primary sources.
JSTOR employs a 'moving wall': which means that there is a fixed period or gap between the publication …
Read moreJura
In Jura, Kluwer's legal database, you will find both Belgian and international legislation and case law. You will also find as the full text of many Belgian legal journals and publications. A number of compilations and models as well as the Commentaries on Articles can also be found here. …
Read moreKluwer Arbitration
Kluwer Arbitration is an online legal database of the publisher Wolters Kluwer, specifically focused on the legal areas of arbitration and mediation. You will find a number of journals and books on these topics. You can also find other content: many arbitral awards and cases, an overview by country of …
Read moreL' Année Philologique
Een bibliotgrafische databank m.b.t. de klassieke geschiedenis en cultuur. Deze databank bevat artikels over Griekse en Romeinse literatuur, kunst, geschiedenis, filosofie, etc. Het is eigenlijk een gedigitaliseerde bibliografie, het eerste volume verscheen in 1928.
ToegangDeze databank is volledig toegankelijk binnen het UGent netwerk (UGentNet).
ZoekoperatorenBooleaanse operatoren en wildcards …
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Legal Intelligence
Legal Intelligence is an integrated database for Dutch legal sources. It contains the journals and other publications of Dutch publishers (e.g. Boom juridisch, Wolters Kluwer, etc.) that you can access through Ghent University. It also contains freely available legislation and case law.
SearchesWhen entering a keyword, the search bar …
Read moreLexNow
LexNow is a legal database containing books and journals from different publishers, as well as legislation and case law. The database contains publications from Anthemis, Die Keure/la Charte, Boom Juridisch Antwerpen, Edi.Pro, LeA Publishers, Legitech, Politeia and Story Publishers, among others. LexNow is available both on and off campus.
Login … Read moreLexis 360 Intelligence
Lexis 360 Intelligence is a LexisNexis database for French legal resources. It contains legal journals, encyclopedias, case law, and laws and regulations (French, European and international). Under 'Encyclopédies' you will find the 'JurisClasseurs', basic works of French law. The 'Codes' contain up-to-date (commented) legislation. The 'Synthèses' provide an introduction to …
Read moreLinguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) is een bibliografische databank met internationale literatuur rond taalkunde en aanverwante disciplines in de taalwetenschappen (vb. toegepaste taalkunde, leerstoornissen, fonologie, fonetiek, psycholinguistiek etc.).
LLBA bevat een thesaurus, waarin je zoektermen uit een gecontroleerd vocabularium kan selecteren en opnemen in jouw zoekopdracht.
ToegangDeze databank is …
Read moreLinguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) is a bibliographic database of international literature on linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences (e.g. applied linguistics, learning disabilities, phonology, psycholinguistics, etc.).
LLBA contains a thesaurus in which you can select search terms from a controlled vocabulary and include them in your search. …
Read moreMLA International Bibliography & Directory of Periodicals (Ebsco)
This bibliographic database contains books, websites, and articles (in English and some 60 other languages) compiled by the Modern Language Association of America beginning in 1926. It includes the following research fields:
Modern literature
Literary theory and criticism
Language teaching
Film, television and theater
Rhetoric and the art of …
All Belgian and European standards published by NBN, Bureau for Standardization, are collected in the database MyNBN.
AccessSearch for the database in the Library catalogue of Ghent University. Click on 'View online'. UGent has a 'read-only' access to MyNBN. Select 'educational establishment: Ghent University' in the login menu, log in …
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FEA - architecture
FEA - engineering
NBD-online is een site waar producenten hun producten in beeld laten komen bij zowel uitvoerders als voorschrijvers en waar ze hun doelgroep proberen te bereiken via productpresentaties. Voorschrijvers en uitvoerders gebruiken NBD-Online als platform voor het vinden van technische informatie over bouwmaterialen, bestekteksten en leveranciersinformatie, of om inspiratie op te …
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FEA - architecture
FEA - engineering
NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
The National Bureau of Economic Research's (NBER) research activities are mostly identified by 20 research programs on different subjects and 14 working groups.
The research programs are:
- Aging
- Asset pricing
- Children
- Corporate Finance
- Development of the American Economy
- Economics of Education
- Economic Fluctuation and Growth
- Energy and the Environment …
ODNB: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
ODNB (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography) is een biografische databank met meer dan 60.000 biografieën van personen uit de Britse geschiedenis. Deze nationale biografie bestaat ook in print en wordt 3x per jaar geüpdatet.
Je kan zoeken op naam van de persoon of op andere zoektermen maar ook …
Read moreOECD Statistical Compendium
The OECD DSI Statistical Compendium is a statistical publication covering the full scope of the OECD's areas of expertise:
- Agriculture
- Development and Aid
- Economic Indicators
- Energy
- Financial and Fiscal Affairs
- Foreign Trade
- General Economic Problems
- Industry
- Labour Market and Social Issues
- National Accounts and Historical Statistics
- Science and Technology
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