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CERN Document Server
The CERN Document Server (CDS) is the institutional repository that provides acquisition, search and collaborative tools to manage collections of documents produced at CERN. The collections include HEP documents, multimedia documents, bulletins, administrative (directorate, HR, finance) documents, EU project documents (OpenAire, EMi), library and project document types.
The database contains …
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FEA - engineering
Chapterscan: searching and finding references and content tables of books
It is possible for researchers and students at UGent to request chapter scans of some of the books via the catalogue (lib.ugent.be). You can find a blue button 'Get chapter scan' if we provide this service on a book.
Here are some tips & tricks to make this …
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FEA - architecture
FEA - engineering
Citing: how to
The information below has been translated from "Citeer" on Studentenportaal (Dutch).
When you copy literal phrasings of another author (or your own, previous work), you're citing another text. Some quick guidelines:
- Always use quotation marks: "..."
- Refer to the source immediately after the citation
- If you use a …
Clinical trial: how do I evaluate the quality?
There are various free, internationally accredited and used tools (i.e. scales and checklists) for evaluating the quality of clinical studies. More information is available on the webpages of the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (Question: How do I evaluate the quality of a clinical study?).
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quality assessment
systematic review
Collaborating on an article: what are your options?
These days, many projects are done as a team, and writing assignments are no exception. It can be challenging to collaborate efficiently on the same text, especially if you and your co-authors mostly communicate online. Fortunately, there are a number of online tools that allow you to write, edit, …
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academic writing
Communication Source
Communication Source is hosted on the Ebsco platform. It is a bibliographic database containing references with abstracts and full text articles about communication science, linguistics, speech and language pathology, media studies, etc.
This database also includes a thesaurus.
AccessThis database is fully accessible within the UGent network (UGentNet …
Read moreConsent in research – ethics & privacy (GDPR)
To obtain valuable data & insights, research often involves …
Read morelevel: algemeen
research data management
Copyright: my rights as an author
As the author of a work, you're the copyright holder. Sometimes, however, you transfer your copyright (the economic rights) to a third party, who becomes the copyright holder in turn. If someone wants to reuse (part of) your work, the copyright holder of your work must grant permission for this. …
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academic writing
Copyright: the basics in Belgian law
This is Belgian law. The exceptions in the Belgian copyright law are only valid for use of works in Belgium (whether or not the author is Belgian or not is not relevant, as is the country the work is published in).
What is protected?Works protected by copyright:
- …
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Creative commons: open licence for copyrighted works
General info
A Creative Commons licence is an open licence. These kinds of licences allow certain, globally recognised, standardised re-use of copyrighted material. It is a so called upfront licence. You don't have to ask for permission to access, share or use a protected work, the permission is granted automatically. …
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open access
open science
CrimRxiv is a field-specific open access repository where you can publish both preprints and postprints of articles in the field of criminology in open access. It is the only repository dedicated specifically to papers in criminology. By making research available (in the form of pre- and postprints) in green open access, …
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open access
open science
Critical reading: how do you do it?
Before getting to writing your paper, you'll need to read up on your subject. The portal for Ghent University students proposes the following three steps.
Scan the source
- Read the title and subtitle.
- Look at the date of publication. Aim for recent publications.
- Doublecheck how relevant and reliable the …
level: algemeen
Critical reading: how to read a scientific article
A scientific article might be short, but it is usually dense in information, which can make it harder to read. Below, you can find some tips.
General guidelines
- Take notes while you read to make sure you understand what you're reading.
- Don't know a word? Look it up and …
Critical reading: the CRAAP test
You want to base your academic, scientific research on scientifically sound sources. Often, the publisher already gives you an insight into how reliable the source is; publishers of A1-journals, for instance, already peer-review their articles. Academic libraries collect scientific literature, etc.
However, you can also find many interesting sources on …
level: algemeen
quality assessment
DMP: How do I write a final Data Management Plan?
What is a DMP?
A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that specifies how research data will be handled both during and after a research project.
For more information on using https://dmponline.be for writing a DMP, check this related research tip: https://onderzoektips.ugent.be/en/tips/00001281/.
Do I need a (final) … Read morelevel: algemeen
Horizon Europe
research data management
DMPonline.be: How do I write a Data Management Plan?
DMPonline.be is an online tool to help Ghent University researchers write an effective Data Management Plan (DMP). This tip explains how to use this tool.
What is a DMP?A Data Management Plan is a formal document that specifies how research data will be handled both during and after a …
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research data management
DMPonline.be: sign in via ORCID
This tip explains in which situations you might want to sign into and use DMPonline.be via ORCID, and how to do this.
For more general information on how to use the planning tool DMPonline.be, check out the following tips:
- On …
level: algemeen
research data management
Dalloz is a legal database containing French legal resources: case law, annotated legislation, encyclopedias, journals and a number of basic works ('Dalloz Action'). The 'Codes Dalloz' contain up-to-date annotated legislation. In the 'Encyclopédie' you can find extensive basic articles, useful as an introduction to a particular topic; the 'Fiches d'orientation' …
Read moreData analysis resources
Are you looking for some resources to improve your data science skills, or information on software like R and RStudio? We'll give you a few options below.
Data analysis examples by UCLAThe webpage data analysis examples by UCLA lists a number of statistical analysis techniques and their application …
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Database search: how to use search terms?
Each database has its own method to make the contents of that database accessible and consultable. Most databases use "Basic search" and "Advanced search".
Via "Basic search" you can filter the search results after performing a search.
"Advanced search" allows you to choose more specific search …
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search engines
search strategy
Deposit number (D-number) behind a PhD thesis: what is it, is there a link with ISBN and is it obligatory?
What is a deposit number (D-number)?
A deposit number is assigned by the Royal Library of Belgium. It is the code that a publisher is obliged to include on the front or on the back of a book to enable identification of the book and the publisher.
Therefore, It must …
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academic writing
Het Dyabola project is een portaalsite die toegang geeft tot verschillende bibliografische databanken van publicaties m.b.t. archeologie. Wij hebben een abonnement op de volgende collecties:
- Archaeological Bibliography (enhanced Version of Realkatalog) 1956-... (in Duits, Engels, Frans of Italiaans). Onderwerpen: klassieke archeologie, Etruscologie, Minoïsche archeologie en prehistorie
- The Annual Archaeological Bibliography …
Ghent University has access to many e-books. You can find and read all of them in our catalogue if you follow these steps.
Access UGentNet
Make sure you are connected to the UGent network.
When you are connected, you will see this green light at the bottom of …
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search strategy
EEB: Early European Books (ProQuest)
Deze fulltext databank bevat kleurenscans van Europese boeken uit de 15e, 16e en 17e eeuw in verschillende talen (zoals Latijns, Nederlands, Italiaans, Deens, Frans, Duits en Grieks). Je kan tegelijkertijd de databank EEBO (Early English Books Online) doorzoeken (Engelse boeken van 1473 tot 1700).
Ons abonnement biedt toegang tot de collecties die …
Read moreEU funding: Open Research Data for ERC grants - H2020
What is the Open Research Data Pilot?
The European Commission has been encouraging open access to and reuse of digital research data through the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD Pilot), following FAIR data principles:
All research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The ERC has adopted this …
level: algemeen
Horizon 2020
Horizon Europe
open science
research data management
EU funding: what are the Open Access requirements for publications in Horizon Europe?
In Horizon Europe, the European Commission (EC) requires that all peer-reviewed publications resulting from project funding are open access (OA), i.e., freely available online with no restrictions on use, by depositing them in a repository. Peer reviewed articles should be made Open Access immediatly after publications, embargo's are no …
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Horizon Europe
open access
open science
Embase: comparison with PubMed and tips & tricks for searching
Embase is regarded as the European equivalent of PubMed/MEDLINE. When using the Embase search engine, you automatically browse not only the Embase database but also articles in PubMed/MEDLINE that have already been assigned MeSH terms.
AccessEmbase is only accessible via the UGent network.
Search operatorsEmbase can be …
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search engines
search strategy
EndNote: adding and marking up PDFs
Add PDFs atuomatically
- Open Athena and then EndNote.
- Select the references to which you want to add a PDF.
- Click "References" > "Find full text" > "Find full text". OR right-click and select "Find full text".
- EndNote will now look for PDFs Ghent University has electronic access to and add …
EndNote: adding information to a set of references
It is possible to add the same (filled out) field to multiple references at the same time. This is a handy feature when you want to add the name of database your references come from or if you want to add tags like "read," "to read," etc.
Before you do …
Read moreEndNote: cite while you write
Advantages of citing while you write
- You don't forget to cite sources.
- You put the footnotes in the right places.
- You save time looking for the right source after writing your article.
- You can automatically update references.
- You can adjust reference styles easily.
Insert a footnote
- Open Athena. …
level: detail
academic writing